Reviews in the News:
“Van Leuven’s new disc, “RiverTown Warning,” is full of glimpses into everyday life in a modern and sometimes complicated world. The twist here is that Van Leuven tells the tales with an effortless joy — even when the news is not so good. His … style … leaves you tapping your toe and singing along with tunes about unemployment, unfulfilled dreams and the foolish decisions that plague humankind, all while placing a ray of hope and faith to bring you to the other side. Not an easy task, but one that he does well.”
— Rosa Colucci, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“… [His] … music has a grittier sound. While Van Leuven’s lyrics are all rooted firmly in a Christian world view, the themes are less inspirational than contemplative.”
— Jaime McLeod, Northern Weekender (Gateway Publications)
“Making divine music for the real world … Van Leuven does more than just sing about faith-inspired themes. He also explores matters of a more personal nature, including songs which reflect on his life with his wife and daughter.”
–Ann Metz, Webster Herald
“… he is known for his dynamic live performances …”
— Laura Zajac, North Hills Monthly Magazine
What Others are Saying:
“When I Look Back” was a healing song for me. I am listening to it now as I type, and I needed this message…thank you!”
–Debbie Lloyd, McKeesport, PA
“I have enjoyed the [RiverTown Warning] CD immensely.”
— John Iamaio, Ph.D., Webster, NY
“You are an engaging personality with impressive skills, but you also show a sweet and caring heart in the course of laying down an outstanding variety of musical styles … you exude a quiet confidence that arrests people’s wandering minds and takes them to a place where they can be touched by God. We eagerly anticipate the new songs God is birthing in your spirit.”
— Dave and Jo Benrexi, New Kensington Inspirational Music Festival, New Kensington, PA
“Grant’s a great guy with a great gift. What’s really cool about seeing him live is that he is real and authentic — the real deal. He is a true singer/songwriter; he writes because he has something to share. It’s in him.”
— Eric Molnar, Dayton OH
“I thank God for people like you who care about truth in the music. Thank you for standing for the truth in a mindless age.”
— John Lazarchik , Indiana
“Grant’s music has a ‘kick’ to it. It’s fun. Lyrically, he paints the life he’s known — spiced with the insight of a pastor.”
— Jim Smith, songwriter “Can You See Him?”, Monroeville, PA
“Grant’s songwriting and lyrics come from the heart with a passion that sweeps through the audience, leaves you with a great sense of what God’s love for us is all about, and makes you want to go out and share that.”
— Sarah Wilkins, singer/songwriter, Aliquippa, PA
Review by Actor Charlie Jones of Peculiar People – Franklin, TN
“My wife & I recently shared the stage with a delightful breath of fresh air in the music realm: Grant Van Leuven. The first thing I noticed about Grant was his irrepressible smile and his sense of confidence as he began the evening. In the acting biz, we call that “stage presence”. His laid-back/high-energy manner was a welcome relief from song writers and singers who feel they must impress with their saintly behavior or their radical coolness. Grant is just “Grant”, and one senses that he enjoys that. I enjoy that too.
Grant’s joy in music is contagious and his personality opens heart’s doors to fun and merriment.
Grant’s song writing is superior to most of the junk that is being put out by CCM. The song “You Chose Me” is not only a rag-tag bluesy ballad sung with the reckless abandon of a New Orleans jazz crooner, it is just plain, good theology. Whenever these two qualities mix without one overwhelming the other… well, that’s Art in the highest form. His images are earthy, strong, and tangible. His music is palpable, energetic, and joy infused.
As you can tell, I am sold on Grant and his art. He is a unique performer, writer, and singer. He has not come from the cookie-cutter mold of Contemporary Christian Music. I would recommend him for just about any occasion — especially where you want to impress the un-churched.”
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