The Dumb Sheep Music Mission:
What’s With the Name?
Inspired by Grant’s toe-tappin’ tune Dumb, Stupid Sheep, the purpose of Dumb Sheep Music is to feed the Good Shepherd’s flock by sharing a message of assurance of salvation with them, while spurring them on to holy living because their fleece has been made white as snow.

By sharing songs written through the experience and perspective of a sinner saved by grace, singer, songwriter, and seminarian Grant Van Leuven aspires to bring Christians he has an audience with through a time of personal confession about how we fail God like dumb, stupid sheep in constant need of His rod and staff, and then into joyful celebration of how Christ has secured an eternal place for us in His fold.
By engaging ourselves in the process of this growth without guilt, God can expose hypocrisy and idolatry, and transform our character, which produces a righteous desire to graze in His green pastures in loving obedience.
All this to further the spreading of the Gospel to other sheep outside the pen, and the growth of Christ’s eternal Kingdom that will be consummated on the Last Day.